Marco Fidolini was born in S. Giovanni Valdarno in 1945.
A painter and engraver, he has also dedicated his efforts to art-related essays.
Since 1965 – the year of his official debut in the Vigna Nuova Gallery in Florence – he has held numerous personal exhibitions and participated in both national and international shows.
In 1970 he began working on his first etchings; soon engraving and printing became a new form of work for the artist, alongside his paintings.
A large collection of his etchings is conserved within the Department of Prints and Drawings of the Uffizi in Florence and at the Museo della Grafica Palazzo Lanfranchi in Pisa.
In 1994 he completed a series of objects-sculptures.
Ever since 1965, the artist’s work has been characterized by its specific existential connotation, expressed in a symbiosis between artistic language and social implications through a form of iconographic cycles in which the themes of the city and of industry, or rather their technological-urbanistic remainders, have occupied a primary role.
His work has often been identified with the neo-metaphysical and neo-objective aspects, or the cultural stratifications, of the 1920s German research by visionary Magischer Realismus or, perhaps more fittingly, with the works of the Neue Sachlichkeit. Certainly his art is strongly influenced by certain painting models from the Tuscan and Northern traditions of the Fifteenth century, especially visible in certain plastic fixities and lenticular studies.
He was inserted amongst the Segnalati Bolaffi for painting in 1979 (by Giorgio Di Genova) and 1982 (by Duilio Morosini), and for graphic design in 1980 (by Duilio Morosini). Present inside the Storia dell’arte italiana del ‘900 - Generazione anni Quaranta (vol. I e vol.II, di Giorgio Di Genova).
He has also published: I marmi dell'autunno (1965), Metropolis ed altro (1984), Lucio Venna - Dal Secondo Futurismo al manifesto pubblicitario (1987), Tecnica e mestiere (1988), Impegno e realtà - Da Masaccio alla Nuova Oggettività (1991), Lucio Venna - 10 disegni inediti, 1920 (1994), Comunardo Calussi - Geometrie e arcaismo nell’avanguardia (1997), Lucio Venna - Il siero futurista (1998), Ipogeo - Sembianze e sorrisi di pietra (1999), Canopi & affini (1999), Masaccio - rebel eye and critical consciousness (2001), Pustole - Divagazioni sull'arte e sul costume (2003), Lucio Venna e il Carnevale di Viareggio (2004), Arte e artificio – Disvalori, mistificazioni e deliri (2008), Un grande mestiere amaro – Memorie, testimonianze e riflessioni di un pittore (2009), Fuori registro – Gli artisti e la scrittura (2012), Il Novecento a zigzag – Effrazioni critiche sugli aspetti figurativi della pittura (2015), Scritti su Masaccio-Certezze e dubbi (2020), Mah! Il portolano della mediocrità e del pensiero unico nell’arte e nel costume (2024).

The following monographical volumes have been published regarding his artistic activity: Da i guerrieri alle torturapie (edited by Mauro Corradini, 1976), Atmos e Thanatos (edited by Dario Micacchi, 1983), Progetti 1966/1980 (edited by Elvio Natali, 1985), Fidolini 1965/1985 (edited by Pier Carlo Santini, 1986), Acqueforti (edited by Alfonso Panzetta, 1991), Homo faber (edited by Mauro Corradini, 1992), Fidolini - Il trittico del delfino (edited by Elvio Natali, 1993), Fidolini - Il vento orbicolare dell'arte (edited by Riccardo Notte, 2000), Fidolini - 30 disegni (texts by the author himself, 2004), La scatola di Dachau et cetera (AA.VV. 2010), Fidolini – Ordinario/Straordinario (edited by Nicola Micieli, 2010), Marco Fidolini - Polittici 1983/2015 – Epifanie metropolitane (a cura di Giorgio Di Genova), Passato e presente - La scatola di Dachau et cetera, 2024 (a cura di Giorgio Seveso).

Et cetera, etching, mm 200x150 (2 lastre), 2006
Canopo VI, use of multiple materials, h cm 92,5, 1996
Metropolis, (detail), acrylic painting and casein tempera, cm 170x140, 1983
Metropolis, (detail), acrylic painting and casein tempera, cm 120x140, 1983
Extra chorum (Ritratto di Giosy), acrylic painting and casein tempera on canvas and backed plates, cm 70x165, 1995